IMP questions
1) What is Os? Type of OS and advantages
2) Spooling
3) Multitasking
4) Multiprogramming
5) Os services
6) Process state diagram
7) PCB
8) Process and Program
9) Schedulers
10) Swapping
11) Buffering
12) threads and its types
13) Multi threading models
14) User level & kernel level threads
15) Threads and process
17) Race condition with example
18) Explain critical section
19) Semaphores
20) Producer consumer problem
21) Dinning philosopher problem
22) Monitor
23) CPU I/O Burst cycle
24) Deadlock and prevention
25) RAG
26) Banker’s algorithm
27) Memory management and its requirements
28) Contiguos memory allocation
29) Fragmentation
30) TLB
31) Virtual Memory
32) Thrashing
33) DMa
34) RAID
35) File structures and types
36) File organization and types of access
37) File system mounting
38) Absolute path and relative path
39) How file system is implemented
40) Hash table
41) Allocation methods
Please do UNIX commands and description too…..given here on blog.